Well another year over and it’s that time to reflect back over the past year. I have met some fantastic people this year increased my music taste and has some great friend time. The beginning of the year (last New Years in fact) Started with an unexpected twist as me and barmaid and friend Jenny had a quick relationship which never lasted long but we became closer friends and it never really worked. February seen me put my New Years resolution into play by signing up for the Bristol Half Marathon in September.
Training was hard and fast as I ended my long running football games on a Wednesday night and kept only playing on a Monday. March I had a personal trainer show me some exercises I should be working on to run the BHM. April seen me turn 28 which a not so special birthday up the local pub.
May was the first time I met some people from what was known as the Scobbie forum and also was the first time I met Vixen.
In the summer of 2006 introduced myspace and I met some new people and some great friends. Also with excitement of the World Cup training went out the window and I began to drink everyday and inherit a beer belly which took all of a month after to get rid of.
Also in July/Oct was my operation which put me out of running for 4 weeks. This caused a major problem and forced me to over train causing me to injure my left knee. This did not clear in time and in September I ran the BHM with an injured knee effecting my time but I still finished the whole course which I was pleased about.
Come the later months, including clubbing with work customers in Stevenage and another forum meet which gave me the chance to get to know Cait more and not forgetting walking out the cinema for the first time ever. I was also invited to Cait’s birthday which turned out to be a fantastic night.
In December I went out with work and the lads I used to play football with and work with which was a funny night.
Bring on 2007, stay tuned for 2007’s New Years Resolution
Hope you all have a great New Years Eve
We got to the Sports Café at 6pm where I got annoyed when Chelsea scored the winner 92 minutes into the match. We met the others in Jongleurs and headed upstairs. The food this year was great, Started with prawn salad then Turkey with veg and a xmas pud for dessert. The three acts where great, the second guy from New York had me in stitches. After the comedy they cleared the tables and everyone had a dance which was ok, it was the usual cheesy music.
Some pictures below. Have a great Christmas everyone =)
I think I really need to pimp my Blog, I don’t know how many of you out there read my blog’s but if I get an increase of comments and acknowledgement I promise to try and post more.
Last night I got a sudden text from Cait asking if I fancied going out for a couple of drinks, we were meant to go earlier in the week but things got in the way. Plus I wanted to see her as I had her xmas card and a bag of malteasers I bought a few days ago because I knew she liked them, plus they were starting to get warm.
I really enjoyed spending some more time with Cait, we went to a pub that I had not been into in years and it was nice to sit and chat about games and stuff. Her sister joined us for 1 before heading out and when we had to leave after 11pm we went next door into the Flyer and continued chatting. I mentioned that I did not feel that Resi 2 was all that great a game and she looked at me like I had just spat in her drink lol I promise I will buy it for the cube and have another blast after Christmas =P
Nothing else is happening, I was meant to go shopping today but certain people let me down because they were asleep haha, out to Staple Hill with a couple of mates tonight for a change from our local but then again we will be in the local on xmas eve. Tomorrow I have my 2nd work xmas night out in Jongleurs comedy club.
Until then
Crazy huh? I don't know about you but this year has gone way to quick for me. Hope everyone is all ready for xmas, I still need to wrap all the presents. Oh and I have already broke up from work for xmas ;)
I checked my hotmail today and had an email from my x fiancée; shocked me somewhat as we broke up nearly two years ago and I have not had much contact with her. It was nice in a way and I am glad that she can still contact me without any problems.
Hope everyone is all ready for the next few days. Have a great one.
That time of year again where I get to travel to Reading for our yearly Crimbo party. My car turned up half filled with petrol and had problems started but Friday morning I travelled to HP HQ in Bracknell to work with the rest o my team. I do like working with everyone else as I can have a laugh, feel part of the group and if I need any help I can just shout.
At 5pm I left to join all the traffic to our Hotel (Crown Plaza – Reading) Very nice hotel, the room had everything you would need inc, iron, safe and broadband. At 7pm we meet downstairs for drinks, it was a bit strange this year as people brought partners and only 9 of us never did. It was nice to dress up in a dinner suit but no one was taking pictures like last year apart from me and as I am taking them I am not in them.
The food was nice and it was great meeting some of the new staff for the first time and seeing some of the others that I had not seen since last year. First downfall was only a small amount of drink was supplied unlike last year where I never spent a penny. As the night went on we did some dancing to cheesy music and all time classics and we also went on the dodgems. There was this sumo bit where you dressed in these big suits and fight, I tried to get some of the lads to have a go with me but they wouldn’t. Chris partner was up for it but the queue was too long.
We left around 1am and as the taxis took forever we walked back to the hotel where one of the managers bought me a drink then I went to sleep. Not a patch on last year but it was ok and free (apart from some of the drink) so I can’t complain.
Today I left Reading around 10.45 so I could make it back for Bristol City’s game against Millwall but someone up there didn’t want me to get there in time as I hit a standstill on the M4 because some lorry turned over shutting the motorway. So I had to get off at Oxford and find my way around with no idea. I ended up buying a map in one of the garages I passed and took a 1 hour detour. A journey that should of taken me 1 hour and 20 mines took me 4 hours and needless to say I missed the start of the match.
Oh well, drinks next Saturday with the lads at a comedy club.
Another weekend laced with drink. After a quiet Friday night I got up the pub for 12pm on Saturday ready for the Man U vs Man City match. My City mate Phil came up so we could all have a laugh at him afterwards too. Sat down with my first pint of the day and when the match started my food turned up, Yum unhealthy pub food with chips and loads of meat and to keep things health half a tomato.
After the match we stayed and watched the scores come in, a programme which many women do not understand why men like it so much. Men sat around describing football matches around the country while scores and scores pop up at the bottom of the screen. I can’t explain why us men love it but we just do, even better in the pub surrounded by guys taking a great interest.
After that on came the Bolton match but at half time I felt I was too pissed to stay on and went home and fell asleep at…….8.30pm (must have been a record). Having said that I woke at 2am with a slight hangover to find Cait was also still up so I switched on the Xbox and played her with two guys from the US until 4am.
Sunday was a lot less hassle, with so much sleep I was up at 9am and went to the gym for 11am. I like Sundays at the gym, not to busy and not to empty so I can get on with what I need to do instead of wait for people. On Sunday most of the people use the fitness machines leaving all the weights free.
Also when you go down in to the pool area there are a lot of parents taking there kids swimming, these people are the most friendly as they are always willing to have a conversation in the steam room. Other people seem to keep to themselves.
In the afternoon I popped to the pub again to support Arsenal (wont happen again) against Chelsea which enjoying a couple of overpriced cokes.
And that was my weekend in a nutshell.
Hey everyone
Not long until Christmas now, Still need to Shop & Wrap and send out Xmas cards but I don't have many to buy for and online is so quick and easy.
On The weekend I went out for my friend Cait's 25th Birthday, was a really good night with plenty of drink and dancing. Sunday I spent most of the day doing nothing before deciding to watch Anchorman.
Today has been a bit manic at work, I am currently on lunch looking at my work queue getting bigger and bigger for when I return. Not all bad though, I spent 30 minutes this morning helping the girls in the restaurant put up lights on the big Christmas Tree as they could not reach the top from the top of the ladder. They gave me a free sandwich which was nice of them plus I got away from my desk for a bit. I would of taken a picture but we are not aloud to take pictures in this building.
Taken from Cait's (Vixen) Blog
Was a great day had by all with lots of drink consumed
So last night I got a bit annoyed with the Man Utd Celtic Champions League clash, not because Man U were the better side, or the fact that Celtic scored a worthy goal but what the hell was Saha playing at trying to be cocky when we were 1-0 down. Don't get me wrong I like the player but he really did get on my wick.
Anyway, halfway through the week today. Got no money and xmas is just around the corner.
I am suppose to be going to Brighton for my Uncle's 50th this weekend but I really have no money :(
On the weekend as well as watching Bristol City gain 3 points at home I watched the new Bond film Casino Royale with Daniel Craig as the new James Bond. Actually a very good film but you need to go to see it with the mind that this is before he becomes the smooth ladies man you are used to. He plays a tougher less experienced Bond who makes mistakes and takes a beating. But what makes him better is his disregard for the rules. All in all a fantastic film which I will be watching again.
Sunday I just went to the gym and speny the rest of the day watching films and playing GOW, oh life in the fast lane. Just want xmas over and done with now.
After looking into my account and seeing £30 staring right back at me I decided that this weekend will have to be a quiet one. Suits me down to the ground, have the rest of 24 season 5 to watch plus I have not even touched GOW (Gears of War) which turned up yesterday.
I did however watch Borat last night, it niiiiiiice, really funny and like my mate said, you laugh at things which you know are wrong and you shouldn’t.
Anyway tomorrow sees me watching the mighty Bristol City at home and hopefully to see a Baz Savage return to the Gate. After that I will be watching the new Bond film woohoo. Talking of the new Bond film I think that after watching the trailer I will have to take back all the concerns I had about Daniel Craig being the new bond, I think he looks tough and just what is needed for Casino Royal. I will let you know what I think on Sunday/Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone
My friend reminded me that I have not updated my blog for a while so here we go. On the weekend I went to Stevenage to go out with the girls from GSK, (I know them from work they one of my customers). Also three of them are now on myspace, so if you are reading this “Hi”. Also the other reason I travelled up was to celebrate Lucy’s birthday which was yesterday. Only 4 of us went out because Matt (my work colleague and best friend) could not make it and Sarah (Another GSK worker) was out in Brighton. But it was a really good night with lots of vodka and cream egg shots. Couple of pictures in my pictures.
Nothing much else has been happening, had to visit one of my customers yesterday in Milton Keynes (or just outside), the travel up was ok but on the way back I got hit by hard rain making visibility hard as hell and not only that but the A34 now becoming the worst road I have travelled down during rush hour. Because the road only has two lanes and a lot of Lorries travel down it they try and over take over each other and you can’t get by. Have you seen a lorry try and overtake another one? It takes them ages to pass and while all this is happening all the cars get stuck behind and build up, then when you manage to pass you get 1 mile down the road and it’s happening again. Not only that but because of the heavy rain these Lorries are chucking the water up like no tomorrow making you able to see fuck all.
Now that’s out the way, I find out that the customer I have been dealing with is moving on and I could get some numpty taking over his work which could make my life hell.
Oh and I have spent all my money……………Happy Days
I know, I know that’s a poor heading for my blog, I could write for the sun newspaper. Hope you all had a great Halloween, A lot has been happening over the past week, I went clubbing on the weekend which is something I have not done in a while but Hed Kandi was in Bristol and I like the music so I took to opportunity to head off to Syndicate to check it all out. It was strange that I went there with my sister but she had loads of friends with her (most I already knew). It also gave me chance to chat to her about what was going on in her life and I felt I got a chance to know her a little better.
In other news, my knee is about 95% better; I took this opportunity to return to Monday night football which after 4 months I have missed so much. It was a great feeling to be back and my knee held out for the 1 ½ hours of play. I have also started to work on getting back to running but started with just 15 minutes on the cross trainer.
Needless to say my legs feel like lead and I will get a chance to rest them tonight while watching the Man Utd game at the pub.
Hope everyone is well,
Good morning everyone
Had a strange night last night, after a very slow day at work which seemed to drag I started thinking about my future with the company and where I was going to. The only option I can see to move on is when one of the other guy's moves on but as there seems to be less of us I don't know when that will be and I don't really feel like waiting any longer. I know that my manager has already said that I was next in line to move up but when will that be and with my disciplinary will they now see me in the same light?
For those of you who do not know what I do I sit at a desk at Hewlett Packard and order parts for customers. I have been given our high priority site which I have cleared up and had no escalations (hence my award). Thing is I work on a call based system which means that unless the customer has any parts to order I have nothing to do. Somedays I am really busy but others I am sat around, there is house keeping and other stuff to do but the thing is I can now create calls within 10 minutes instead of 30 which isn't really a good thing as I am sat here bored. I come on myspace and my blog but I think to myself, is this how I want to spend the rest of my life at work?
Now when I start to think of these things they don't leave my mind so all last night this was in my head and I could not get rid of this thought which kept me up most of the night. I asked my manager this morning if we could continue the Managers training course but he said he was too busy and there were no plans. I really need to find something else but I really don't know what to look at. I always liked marketing but I would need to go back to collage and learn more.
Oh well, watch this space.
From: 11/10/06
I would always consider myself to be happy 95% of the time but even the happiest person in the world gets the odd day when they just feel like shit. Today that is my day. Didn't help when the boss popped in and just sat in the corner facing me not saying much, but he did give me my award and shook my hand. You see it's not the fact that he is a bad guy I just feel he doesn't handle his manager position well. When I took on the high priority customer he promised me help which I never got plus I am still waiting for a process for another customer I handle which has not been written in about a year and now he is starting to worry because there are escalations. Don't even get me started on that disciplinary.
England played crap in the football with some comedy goalkeeping. Other things won't leave my head and even going to the gym (which normally clears my head) didn't help. Not to mention that I have a huge hole on my ass cheek on my jeans that no one told me about. It's ok though because I have a nice ass ;)
Anyway that's my moan today, lets hope tomorrow is a better day and I am not on a downward spiral.
Thanks for all your questions regarding my bulletin some were interesting and some were worrying lol cheered me up a bit but a great response which I managed to respond to everyone ;)
As I have not written anything in a while and I am sat bored at lunch at work waiting until 13.30 so I can start the pile of work in front of me I decided I would try and write something. Nothing much has happened or anything interesting so there is no point in writing about my life so maybe a thought or to or perhaps I’ll just talk about crap for 20 minutes. It’s this or play spider solitaire lol.
Just had battered Sole for lunch with potatoes and salad as there was nothing else, after eating loads of different types of fish like Red snapper, Salmon, Catfish, Tuna Steak going back to this battered chip shop fish just tastes bland and I find myself getting bored of the taste halfway through. It’s no wonder people drowned them in lemon or ketchup.
It’s my mates 30th tomorrow so we will be heading to the pub for a while tonight as his other half is taking him out tomorrow (oh dear that falls on an England game). Anyway I will be keeping to my pre marathon arrangement of not drinking during the week as I really don’t need to be drinking all the time and it saved money. 30, damn that is scary….. out of my friends that just leaves me left and that’s coming around quickly.
Time does fly when you pass 25, which makes me think about everyone saying life for the moment because life just passes you buy is so true. Shame that the cost of living has escalated and no one can afford to buy houses in Bristol anymore. I was just reading in Men’s Health that Bristol’s cost of living is now second to London.
The protein shakes I was having has just ran out, 1tub = 2 weeks. Now at £40 a tub I don’t think I can afford to spend £80 a month on these things although I have noticed an improvement in strength at the gym. I’ll wait until I get paid and get one more before stopping.
Ok, that’s only 10 minutes and I don’t want to start working again. I never knew I could just keep typing shit without stopping! You still read? Oh ok sorry…. Just had to switch the fan on because the temperature is so hot in here and its not like the windows open. I should of taken a walk around the estate or to Sainsbury’s or something. My knee still hurts and the only exercise it gets is walking here and there and swimming once a week. Not like I swim a lot I get knackered after 6 laps lol but then again I do go after I have been in the gym.
Right I really am out of things to say now so I’ll wrap it up here. Have a great day all
Friday night was the same boring time up the pub but I switched to drink Cider which gets me pissed quicker then larger or spirits. Not many people in the pub so I ended up leaving at 11pm to make a pissed up call to my friend.
Saturday I watched Bristol City provide a great game against Oldham although I felt there should have been a penalty in the second half for a push on Jevons but I suppose we got off with a great save by Basso by palming away a Chris Porter header.
Sunday I and Matt (my work colleague and best friend) headed down to Woolacombe for a spot of surfing. As we travelled down it was hammering with rain with lightning and thunder all around us. I must admit I never wanted to go in the sea in the middle of a thunder storm but when we got there everything was ok. We hired out a couple of boards and got changed into our wetsuits before heading down to the beach. As you can see in the picture the beach was packed full of surfers and the waves looked quite high at around 5-6 foot. The water wasn’t that cold but any coldness was gone within a couple of seconds, you just have to brave it and dive straight in. When we got out there the waves were fast and broke too soon so we had to swim further out. We caught a couple of good waves but the wind kicked in so we had a hard time getting into place let along trying to dodge wave after wave. About an hour in the wind was breaking the waves before they got to us and nobody could really do anything so the sea started to empty and after a few more waves we decided to call it a day and head off. The hardest part was trying to walk back with the board as the wind was so strong I could put the board across my front and lean into the wind without falling over.
Once we handed in the board we got changed by the car and headed off to the local pub before heading back. It was weird being in Woolacombe again as the last time I was down there was when I got engaged to my x. Some memories started to push their way into my head from all the good times we had down there.
When we got back we stopped in the local for one then headed home but my head was all mixed up with stupid feelings and tiredness as well as my knee was killing me fighting through all those waves.
Work was boring today and I have a filling at the dentist to look forward too, yey….not.
It’s funny, this morning I was chatting to Louise about how I have taken on a major customer of our business with problems and a high volume of work and since I have taken it on I have had no bad feedback or escalations. Also I am top of the league in the UK for creating and closing down calls working with 100% accuracy. Anyway, an hour ago I just had the manager call me saying that I was put forward for an Award for my efforts and it was granted straight away for everything I mentioned above. How strange! So I will get a certificate and £100 spending money.
Apart from that I have been trying those protein shakes that you buy for £40 a tub, they are meant to help stimulate muscle growth buy giving the body what it craves after a work out. It also ups your strength and helps your recovery rate. I have heard good things about them but at £40 a month it’s a bit expensive. I think I’ll give it two months trial, I would hate to be massive and I am only looking to tone up more.
Today is a quiet day, my customer is off today and I have cleared all my calls so I have an afternoon of nothing to look forward to. Least I am having my hair cut tonight and I also got some new clothes through the post as well as Kingdom Hearts 2 :).
Right, as I can not think of anything else to write I will wrap this up for the day. Hope everyone is ok.
Morning everyone.
I can not believe that it has been a week since my run! My knee still hurts but I can walk normally again now. Last week I visited the doctor to check it out but all he told me was to rest if for 4 weeks, so I guess I will not be back to football for a while.
Now the decision before me is to carry on running or just stop and not bother again. I feel I need to do something or aim for something new but I can not think what. I may try climbing as a few people I have spoke to on here really seem to like it plus I was in the gym last night chatting to this guy who also climbs at a place not far from here.
Work has been on and off and I am getting quite annoyed with it. I have been told that not only have I been creating the most calls but I have 100% accuracy in those calls I create/close as well as having great feedback from customers but do I see anything for this? Noooooo yet the team leaders who are in the spotlight get awards. It's ridicules; I am not even sure what the hell they are doing. I just hope they are not getting these awards for the work I am doing.
I have been looking through all the pictures on the web of the half marathon and could not see me at all but I am on the marathon-pictures.com, but you have to buy high res pictures at a price. Below is one of the pictures but the quality is crap as it's a screen capture.
The day had finally arrived and with a restless night because of nerves I woke up at 5.45am to grab a bowl of Porridge as they tell you to eat at least 3 hours before the race. As the traffic was going to be bad I packed a change of clothes and shoes into a bag and got dropped off at Bristol around 7:45 and made my way to the runner's village. It was quite empty at this time with only a few people walking around. I made my way to the charity tents and had a look around before bumping into one of my sisters friends who was one of the organisers. After a quick chat I climbed up on this wall and sat down next to another runner. After a while we broke into conversation and when his mate turned up they told me what to expect of the day.
Once the tents were open to hold your bags I made my way over and dropped off my bag before heading towards the lucozade area and picked up a bottle.
After a while everyone started to make their way to the start line and after a delay we were all off, running into Bristol was nice and as everyone was running at a slow pace it was idea because of my knee. After the first mile I needed to run a bit faster but it was hard work as I had to weave in and out of everyone which took a while. After 2 miles I caught up with this guy who also was running for Cancer research, he told me that his Wife had to stay at home and watch the kids but he had another friend running with him. This was also his first Half Marathon. I told him I was concerned about my knee and he was very supportive. We also passed this couple in a camel outfit (pictured below)
After about 5 miles and two water/energy stations my knee started to hurt a bit and the guy I was chatting to stopped as he had a call of nature so I was back on my own. 2 miles later he caught me up but my leg was starting to hurt so I told him to push on while I started to walk. I only walked for 30 seconds as my legs were so numb I decided to carry on but by the time I did the guy had gone so I was on my own again running next to this guy in old ladies clothes with a Zimmer and a blow up croc on his back. He was great, shouting all the time and keeping everyone smiling and laughing. At 8 miles I lost him but as I started running back down the portway I gave him a little shout of appreciation.
Just before 9 miles I got chatty with this woman called Nicky and as we ran we chatted about the run and training and life, it's nice to run with someone because it takes your mind off the distance left and it makes the time fly by. 3 miles later I had to slow down as my knee was killing me so I lost her but just before 12 miles I bumped into another of my sisters friends and ran with her all the way to the finish. After finishing my legs was numb but 60 seconds later all pain kicked in and I felt sick and could hardly walk. My knee was killing me and I had to limp. I grabbed my medal and foil sheet to wrap around me and grabbed loads of lucozade before I left for home and a nice hot bath.
I have just checked my time and it was 2hours and 20 minutes which I think is quite good as my knee had forced me to run slower then I normally would. It is a shame as after all this training before my injury the speed I was running at I would have finished in 1hr 45mins but at least I have raised nearly £500 for my charity.
Don’t these things come around fast when you are not looking forward to them! All this training and I have even taken months off playing football so I can concentrate on my running and not get injured and what happens, I get injured while training for running. I tell you I could not be anymore nervous about Sunday. At least I have been busy at work to take my mind off things. For anyone who lives in Bristol the map is below:
Work has been busy this week due to the guy who sends me my work being on holiday last week without anyone covering him. Now this week I am working two weeks work into one week and it isn’t funny. Before I looked after the customer I have now I was working about 120 calls per month. Yesterday alone I have 48 and I wasn’t in a great mood. Not to bad today, I have worked all the calls I could not finish yesterday and the guy said he would take it easy on me today.
All my blog’s tend to be about my running at the moment which makes me think about what to do after Sunday. I will be going back to Monday night football but I think I may drop Wednesday’s as I never liked it much and we never get the number of players we need. Esporta do some form of self defence classes so I may take that up because when I was younger I used to do Judo and fight around the country in tournaments. Either way I am looking for a challenge especially if the Half Marathon doesn’t go well.
Morning blog readers
Well what a sad weekend, I spent all weekend in my local, Friday night was packed full of loads of people who I have never seen before. Saturday again travelled to my local for 12pm to watch the Liverpool v Everton match then stayed until the Man Utd v Spurs and left about 8.30 grabbing a curry on the way home.
Now that is the end of drink until after the Half Marathon which is this Sunday and I could not be dreading it more. Physically I feel fit but it's just this doubt about my knee, I so want to reach the end so I can say I have done it.
Sunday I spent 5 hours in the pub drinking water, watching football and sat outside in the sun before going to the gym at 7pm.
I was meant to be having a busy day at work today but it turns out that the guy who sends through my work has not turned up today. So now I am bored as hell just sat here looking out of the window at all the bunnies on the green opposite.
So September the 11th has come around again 5 years ago since terror struck America. I remember having the week off work and I was just leaving the house with my x fiancée and just pulling out of the drive I get a call from my best mate telling me that a plane had just flown into one of the towers so I swung the car around and switched on the news as the second plane hit. Me and Tanya sat in front of the TV for what seemed like hours in sheer horror and disbelief as to what had just happened. Days like this you will always remember where you where and what you were doing.
Hope you all had a great weekend. Chat soon.
After resting my knee for a week I decided to go on a 6 mile easy run before Friday where I plan to run 10 miles. Everything felt fine and the first 2 miles went well with no pain from either my foot or my knee. Now when I was on the 3rd lap I felt my knee begin to throb with a little pain so I rested for a few seconds before running a bit more and I had to stop again when I got to the grass area. After 4.5 Miles I stopped because I do not want to risk making it any worse. It still hurts now but no where near enough pain as it has been.
Now, 11 days until the Bristol Half, 13 miles long, will I be able to attend or will I have to let down my sponsor and friends and family who have sponsored me?
I dont feel great about quitting, I am not a quitter by heart and I do not really want to start but on the other hand I could damage myself even more.
I will do the run on Friday and see how I feel as the run is all concrete and I think its the grass that might be making it worse.
Wish me luck everyone.
So I managed 9 miles today but it came at a huge cost as I have pulled a muscle in my left knee. Those who have been reading will know that during the last two runs my left foot has been playing up, well that still hurts but I can run on it and the pain goes after a while. Anyway during my 6th lap (which was hard) 1/2 mile towards the end I felt a twinge in my left knee but when running you get so many I dismissed it. Really really should have stopped as I could feel it because also my running was getting slower and slower until all of a sudden I speed up towards the end. As the end was in sight I felt this crazy pain in my leg which made me stop running as soon as the pain arrived…..it did not feel good. I stood there sweating like mad all numb but not out of breath and then I walked a little with a slight pain every time my leg hit the ground, but when I got to the stairs I could hardly walk down them.
After sitting on a step for about 15 minutes upset because I know this could cause a problem with training, I decided to get to work before I was late. After showering Ali took me to the nurse to get a ice pack. There is no pain while sat down but it does hurt to walk.
Send me happy thoughts please and have a great weekend. I know I will :)
My word I’m knackered. Wasn’t going to run this morning as it was raining but as Louise had kindly made me a calendar for my running I decided that too go ahead. Cycled 3 miles into work as quick as I could to try and beat the rain (I hate the rain, means I have to wear those bright yellow jackets). Got into work at 8am turned my computer on and put my iPod away (unfortunately it was raining and the fact I run in a sleeveless top my iPod could get damaged or broken). This was the first time running without the aid of music. On the way up to my start point I passed Lee who told me that I was mad to run first thing in the morning and then I set off at a slow pace.
My legs were killing me and without my iPod to listen to I could hear things like my breathing and cars, this was a good thing as A. I could time my breathing better and B. there is one part on the lap that requires me to cross a road and the closer to 9am I was running the more cars would come around that blind bend.
I won’t lie, the first lap was hard (each lap of our work estate is 1.5 miles) and when I started the second it started raining heavy so I almost felt like giving up. The second lap was even harder, my legs didn’t want to run but as I was not out of breath I thought I’d push through the pain as my aim today was 4.5 miles.
During the third lap I though I’d fall over and faint as my legs now felt like lead but a strange thing happened, during the last half a mile all my pain cleared and I felt very good so my thoughts where to attempt a 4th lap which would make today’s total 6 miles. During this 4th lap an even stranger thing happened, I broke into a quicker jog/slow sprint and it felt great. As I passed the 3rd gatehouse I shouted to the security guard and asked him what time it was, he shouted back at me “your mad, 8.45” so I jokingly said “is that all, I can do another lap in that time” I never meant it of course but by the end of the 4th lap I felt so good I decided to attempt a 5th lap.
Ok so this lap wasn’t as easy and there were times I thought about stopping but never did. As I passed the gate (which is halfway around the lap) and pointed at my wrist and he shouted out 8.55am, not bad timing as I started at 8.05am. The last half was a nightmare, not because I was out of breath but my soul of my right foot was killing me, luckily I had to stop at the end of lap 5 as I started work at 9am and I couldn’t be too late.
So there you have it, not only an increase in 3 miles, but I feel great and ran 7.5 miles in 1 hour.
All good things.
In other news, I found out bad news about a friend who has just been diagnosed with Cancer which is very serious, so my thoughts go with her.
Also good luck to Louise who picks up her exam results today xx
Thanks for reading everyone, hope you are all doing well x
Next running day – Sunday 20th Target 4.5 Miles (New Target 7.5 Miles)
After having a nightmare at work last week and a very busy afternoon on Friday while trying to leave early (shouting “Don’t these people know its Friday”) I finally got home in time to be collected by Mark at 5.45. 30 minutes later Stewart arrived and we were on our way down south. The trip took about 2 ½ hours which included stopping at Tesco to pick up some food and lots of beer.
When we got to Croyde we had a campsite over looking over the beach (which was about a 5 minute walk) and the guys had sent the tents up next to some bushes which stopped the wind hitting out tents.
After a few beers we headed off to Croyde village to one of the busier pubs and sat around chatting and drinking until 11pm when they chucked everyone out. But on the way back to the campsite we passed the village hall which had a late licence and a band called Eleven who have now been added to my friends list. (If you guys have a chance to read this we where the old boys at the back on Friday night).
Once back at the campsite we stayed up until 4.30am drinking and I also fell over the guide rope while pissed which was one of the funniest moments of the weekend as I lay on the floor of the entrance of Dean’s tent laughing at myself.
Next morning we got a moan from the women of the family of the tent next too us for being to noisy. Fair play to her to come up to a bunch of guys and tell us, god knows why the guy never came over, I bet he made her.
After breakfast we all split up. John, Stewart and Dave went cycling. Dean, Paul meet up with Simon and went drinking/shopping and Me, Matt and Mark went surfing. Matt went off on his bodyboard while me and Mark bought a couple of wet suits (as I never wanted to hire out some ripped up dirty one) and hired a couple of surfboards.
Matt was the most experienced out of us, Mark did it about 3 years ago and the last time I went was 12 years ago. The funny point of that day involved Mark losing control of his board on a wave and it flipped out of his hands and smacked some guy in the face, completely taking him off balance as he fell into the water.
I managed to stand up a couple of times for about 3 seconds and managed to kneel up a few times without wiping out. I did however enjoy just lying in wait for waves out as far as the furthest surfers out at sea. It was all friendly and everyone was easy to chat to.
After surfing we stayed on the beach for a while before having a shower in the very open showers shared by both sexes and then headed off to the pub to watch the football scores come in and meet the other boys.
In the evening we headed back to Croyde and have some food and drink before getting back at the site at 12pm. Matt and Simon let down Stewart’s tent so you could see the outline of his body and Dean argued with Paul for about 20 minutes about him nicking his quilt to find out it was still in his tent.
Sunday we just had breakfast in a café by the beach before setting off home to watch the football at 3 in the local.
I was meant to go around Sarah’s house for a BBQ for her birthday but was too tired so I headed off home and watched War of the Worlds before falling asleep for a bit.
Hope you all had an eventful weekend. Next week a great nans 100th birthday. An achievement on its own.
Well my disciplinary was strange, they turned up at 2.50pm and kept me waiting for 20 minutes. My manager came over and said to me that he was ready so I made them wait an extra 10 minutes before going in. All they had on me was the email and one swear word and they kept on about how bad it was for the business and it was a major offence. I had to wait 10 minutes after while they talked and then called me back in. They slapped me with a Verbal warning which was better then a written but still harsh for a one off offence. Once we were done I walked out the room without shaking their hands then they left without saying goodbye. Nice huh?
Anyway, I got home and my TV was all there ready to set up. Took me about 30 minutes to build the unit then about 1 hour to wire everything up. Let me say this…..it's massive.
Anyway, as of 6pm I will be travelling down south to spend a weekend surfing/drinking so as of 4pm you will not hear from me until Sunday/Monday.
Have a great weekend whatever you do x
So another day at work, another busy one.
Yesterday I went running again but after cycling to work I could only make 1.5 miles before getting a stitch and had to stop. Not good for training. 1 month and a week to go so I better get my ass in gear. If any of you would like to sponsor me please visit my page I just set up.
Not looking to my meeting tomorrow, it turns out it’s a disciplinary hearing and not a disciplinary as such. It gives me chance to argue my case which I will be doing because I think that 9 years of good service does not deserved to be dragged through the mud from one mistake. At least my TV is turning up tomorrow so that’s one thing to look forward to. There is also my weekend away which kicks off Friday night so I’ll just drink myself happy. I will try and take some photos but I can not promise anything.
I will leave another blog tomorrow to let you know how it went. Wish me luck xx
Hello everyone, hope you all had a great weekend! I went to watch the City on Saturday for the first game of the 06/07 football season and a 1-0 controversial win made it all worth while. The goal was offside and I am in two minds about their sending off but all in all we were the better team.
Sunday I went and bought a tent and sleeping bag for our old work mates surfing/drinking weekend this weekend. After that I popped around my Uncles for a couple of hours and really wished id brought my swimming shorts as they had their massive pool up in the garden and could of done with playing water volleyball against my cousins. Instead I went home, put up my tent then sunbathed for 30 minutes, or so I thought. What happened? I had fallen asleep while listening to 90’s music on my IPOD and work up when Louise called me with a red chest.
In the evening I went to the gym for a couple of hours and even attempted some swimming which hurt when I got in because of my burnt chest.
On the way out I was cornered by one of the women I always chat to and her mate who apparently was introduced to me before but could not remember. As she was on crutches I gave them both a lift before travelling home.
And that was my weekend. I also bought a new 37” HD TV for £1,299.99 and this week I have a disciplinary at work to look forward to for swearing in an email to friends but my manager was copied in on. Really Really pathetic.
As some of you may or may not know 3 weeks ago I had an operation (which I will not go into at this point) that has unfortunately stopped me running, playing football and going to the gym. I am please to announce that now am now back on track and fully fit.
On Sunday morning I managed to go back to the gym (for those of you who live in Bristol it’s Esporta in Stoke Gifford) but found it very hard work so only managed an hour before going home with an aching stomach that lasted for the next two days. I narrowed my unfitness down to sitting on my ass for 2 weeks watching TV and sat on myspace eating lots of fatty foods. Anyway like I said it was very hard work on Sunday, not only because of the unfitness of 3 weeks doing nothing but because of my slight hang over from the night before drinking.
Yesterday I went again in the evening and felt great, never managed to go swimming but did manage to stay in the gym for an hour and a half and get everything I needed done.
Three weeks off from exercise has really kicked a boot into my training for the Bristol Half Marathon, with less then 50 days to go the furthest I have managed to run is 6 miles which is not even half way.
After the gym yesterday I felt strong enough to start running again so this morning at work I set off around our work estate (Approximately 1.5 miles) The first lap went very well, listing to Red Velvet on my iPod which Louise gave to me (fantastic to run to), I had a bounce to my step and waved at a couple of people who knew me when they drove passed, you could tell I missed it. As my second lap started my left ankle started to hurt but I carried on anyway passing the fishing lake and heading up the grass to the second gatehouse. When I got back on the concrete I started feeling better again and set off at a quicker pace. At the end of my 3 miles I felt that maybe I could have carried on for another lap around but I thought better of it until next time.
Went back into the work gym and bumped into Monica who works as a trainer and she invited me to train with her on the downs this weekend so I might have to take her up on that offer.
I am now sat at my desk wondering if Tom will fix the bulletins so I can have something to read before my day gets busy.
Woohoo, last nights friendly between Bristol City and Southampton is a reminder that the football season 06/07 kicks off in less then two weeks.
As friendly goes last nights was a good game and gave the fans a chance to see all the new players in action. The game ended 1-1 with the first goal coming from a Louis Carey header and then a keeper error from Basso let Southampton equalise.
I was a bit naughty and had a cheeseburger before the match but I had not eaten for ages and I was very hungry.
New player Jevons looked fast and had control and also Santos who came on for Murry looked like he has a strong shot on him, just missing the goal in the second half.
Had a chance to see Southampton's big signing Bradley Wright-Phillips in action but he didn't do much.
Sorry for not being around much lately but I have been busy with work and um myspace. Yeah no comments from the England match, we just can not take penalties. As soon as I knew that penalties where to be taken I wanted to leave the room but my friends kept me there to watch the horror. As for my thoughts about Rooney being sent off well he did deserve it but the Ref made his decision from Ronaldo, and was there any reason to wink at the bench? I am glad that he will not be coming back to Man Utd.
After the exit of Argentina and England I was hoping that Germany would take the cup as they played very well and hosted a World Cup with little trouble. But unfortunately the finalists ended up Italy vs France. There was a silver lining after England where beaten by Portugal and that was seeing France beat them and then Ronaldo getting upset. Again happy when Germany beat them 3-1 after watching Ronaldo dive to the floor again without a tackle made on him. The guy has so much skill but when he can not get the ball he just dives to the floor, there is no need of it. Because of his antics in this World Cup after the England match he was booed in both the France and Germany matches.
As for the Italy V France World Cup final, it wasn’t the best and I thought France played better but Italy where stronger in the penalties scoring all goals with hard fast balls. As for Zidane well, funny but is that the way you want to end your football career?
Me, well I have been good. Bought DOA for the Xbox 360 and had my ass kicked by Cait a few times and also completed the New Mario game I picked up for the DS.
Apart from that I have been spending loads of time at the gym working very hard but a groin injury is stopping me from running which I really need to sort out as the Bristol Half is creeping up on me very quickly.

England score from Becks free kick
Morning blog readers (If there are any).
Above are pictures taken from the England v Ecuador match!
Not much has been going for the last few days. (See what happens when I don't talk about football everyday!) Wimbledon has now started and now the World Cup is taking a short break until the Quarter finals, what am I suppose to watch now? Big Brother? I think not.
I had such a bad hangover on Monday and felt rough all through the day, I know, I know, it was my own doing and don’t deserve any sympathy, lucky it wasn’t a busy day at the office.
In the evening I decided that after two weeks I better get back to the gym, something I have been neglecting since the start of the World Cup and it was very hard work, so much that I felt sick and had to stop. Since then I want again last night and I am pleased to inform you all that I am back on track. Phew.
Running has become a problem as I still have a groin injury picked up from football a couple of weeks ago, the Half Marathon are getting closer and I really do need to push on.
I have also invested in a DS lite, I really can’t say why I traded in my old one and paid £60 more for something I don’t often play and it basically does the same thing as the old one.
Having said that it does look better, I got the sexy black one which loves your finger prints.
The problems I have is the fact that it maybe too small for someone with big hands such as myself. Also it does not come with a thumb strap, but the screens are better and you can change the brightness of the screen for better vision or longer battery life. The sound is better and the buttons are softer but the main difference is size and weight. I will add a picture when I get home.
Beckham makes history being the only Englishman to score in 3 World Cup tournaments
Posted by MartynWell its hangover day, I had to cycle 3 miles uphill to work this morning with a hangover, hay fever and groin strain. As you know England are through to the Quarter Finals against Portugal after beating Ecuador 1-0 from a David Beckham free kick.
Good news for England next Saturday is that Portugal will be missing Deco and Costinha through red cards and Ronaldo went off with a thigh injury and looks doubtful for the English match.
Saturday seen some great matches from Germany (not Sweden who looked poor) winning 2-0 and the game of the tournament Argentina 2-1 Mexico which also held one of the best goals from Rodriguez.
So drunk yesterday, got up the pub for 1.30 and ordered a mixed grill before having pint after pint. After the match we all played football on the green despite the fact that I had groin strain and may have made it work. A while after me and 3 other went to another pub where we drank on and turned to whisky. Anyway some other stuff happened but I won’t say that on this blog. I walked back to the main pub and watched the Portugal V Holland match with a few of the others and had a debate about England with an Irish man.
Well we are, I don’t know how but we are. Got up my local at 5.15pm and got my face painted with an England flag that covered my whole face and then I got a 4 pint jug in all for myself. The first half of the Sweden match and it looked like we played some football. With less then a minute on the clock and Owen was stretchered off and has now out for 6 months which leaves Crouch and an unplayed inexperienced Theo. England played the best we have seen them in this tournament within the first 45 minutes. Joe Cole played very well scoring England’s first goal after 34 minutes by a lob from 35 yards out. After the first half I thought that we were back but when they came out for the second half they looked like a different team. I don’t know what Sven says to them at half time but it wasn’t inspirational.
Our defence looked very poor against any set pieces, every corner that Sweden had looked like it would go in as our defence looked week and confused. Sweden’s first goal came from corner headed in the near post by Allbank. The pub went quite for about 5 minutes before we all started cheering and singing again.
Gerrard and Campbell came on and a subbed Rooney looked very unhappy to come off. Gerrard got England’s second but that was all in vain as Sweden scored from a throw in 5 minutes later as it was clipped off Larsson. That goal should never have been Campbell looks like he just moved out of the way of the ball to let it in.
If England play like we did in the first half then we have a chance, but I can’t see us getting much further if we play like we did in the second half.
As Germany beat Ecuador 3-0 we will be playing Ecuador this Sunday and I don’t think they are to be underestimated. Germany continues to dominate their games and they seem to be getting better.
Football aside I had a crap day at work as my manager wants to change my job. I am not happy and I have contacted my manager’s manager to try and stop this happening.
Love the World Cup, just love it. You have to watch every game because you don’t know what to expect next. I actually enjoyed the Ukraine match against Saudi Arabia. Shocking!
I will try and cut my football chat down on both my blogs but sometimes it’s all that happens within my day.
It wasn’t the best day ever, we all changed sites we looked after at work today and I thought it would be a busy day but it turned out to be so so.
Got up early because I wanted to go running and for a second it was “will I, wont I kind of mood”.
In the end I thought I should go so 6:45am driving into work it started to rain. It was bad luck but decided that the treadmill will have to do so I stuck it on 5k (3miles) and did that. I forgot how bad running indoors was, you get hot quickly and it also gets boring.
At lunch I and Matt watched the work football tournament before going back to our desks to switch on the mini TV to watch Switzerland beat Togo 2-0. Now if only Togo can beat France :P
Like I said the Saudi and the Ukraine match was fun to work and you would not believe that this was the same squad that lost to Spain 4-0 last week. Goals within 4 minutes of the start and 1 minute of the second half just gets you hooked straight away, not to mention Rebrov’s finish for the second goal.
At 8 I went to play my Monday night football which we won 3-2 but I think I pulled a muscle in my groin. This won’t help for running at all.
I managed to catch the Spain second half and I was surpised to see that they were 1-0 down. But it looks like I caught all the action in the second half with some great play by Spain to come back and win it 3-1.
Tomorrow starts the last games of the group stages. 3pm Germany then 8pm England.
Japan keeps their Cup hopes Alive with a draw against Croatia, Brazil win and France draw again
Posted by MartynOne of the better games of the tournament that ended without single goal. Some great shots and saves by both teams including Kawaguchi’s penalty save shown in the picture to the left. It was very frustrating to watch and I am glad it wasn’t England playing as both teams had chances but they just would not go in. Problem that Japan have now is that they have Brazil in the next game and I just don’t think they are up to the task.
Meanwhile it is half time now during the Brazil and Australia match and I have to say that Australia are looking a good side and there does not seem to be much in between the sides. Viduka is looking strong and quick getting some great tackles in. Emerton is getting all over the pitch and put in a good tackle in defence. Kaka is looking the best of the bunch for the Brazilians. Let the second half commence.
4 minutes in and Adriano makes it 1-0 but still Australia keep on pushing until Kewell missed a clear cut chance to equalise but skied it high and wide.
A draw would have been a fair result as the Ausies battled on until Fred slotted an easy shot from Robinho shoot that struck the bar and feel to Fred’s feet.
The game ends 2-0 but fair play to Australia who I felt played extremely well.Well France are looking miles better then last week and seem to be on top of their game against Korea. Can I just say that I love the South Korean fans; they have been singing and cheering all the way through that first half of the match. It’s nice to see the fans cheering on their side even if they are losing.
What can I say about Henry, I don’t like his club but the guy can score goals and this was no exception? Henry got past two defenders to score Frances first goal in 4 World Cup games. France should have had a second goal as Vieira’s shot crossed the line before keeper Lee Woon-Jae got a hand to it, but oh well it’s only France.
Second Half: Well what can I say, the fans were hyper and cheering again, France played well again but there was no urgency in their game. It was like they never wanted another goal and then disaster struck when Park Ji-Sung found the back of the net to make another French World Cup disaster. After the goal the French played better and quicker and it makes you wonder why they never played like that all the way through.
I had to laugh as Zidane got subbed he just strolled past his manager without saying a word. Then in the final seconds of the game Korea got a free kick but sadly missed.
France 1-1 South Korea.
Rumour has it that Toga won’t play their next game unless they get paid more money. What’s that all about?
Yesterday was one of my best friend’s (Matt) sister’s son’s second birthday so I joined a few friends and family for an all day BBQ. I got there at 2pm to find a bouncy castle constructed in the back garden and Matt jumping up and down on it.
The TV was running in the background with the Portugal v Iran game but I never wanted to be too rude so I was in and out of the garden to check up on the score. As no one was here yet me and Rachel sat down and watched the second half seeing both goals by Deco and a Ronaldo penalty.
The afternoon game caught Ghana surprising win against Czech Republic.
The evening match was one of the most action packed of this tournament with Italy opening the scoring within the first 22 minutes than to Italy scoring an own goal 5 minutes later but that wasn’t all the action from the first half, Rossi got sent off for a elbow to the eye of McBride who came off the pitch covered in blood.
Then before half time Mastroeni from the USA also got his matches orders and it was 1-1 and 10 men a set. The second half started as the first ended with USA getting knocked down to 9 men as the 3rd red card of the game was shown for a second yellow to Pope. All in all I thought USA was unlucky and keeper Keller pulled of one of the saves of the tournament from a Del Piero strike.
Argentina hammer Serbia, Holland scrap through and Mexico play some pretty average football
Posted by MartynWant to see some pretty poor football? No I am not talking about England’s performance yesterday but Mexico’s 0-0 draw against Angola. At 8 I headed up the pub just to watch the match and after the match I felt staying at home would have been a better option. Nothing much happened until the final 5 minutes apart from Macanga getting a second yellow and got himself sent off, plus another 6 yellow cards were shown.
Anyway, Lunch time was the game to watch as Argentina looked comfortable in their game against Serbia. A packed stadium and a very happy Maradona watched as Maxi opened the score within 6 minutes from kick off. You would not believe the states as both teams had 50% of the ball with Argentina getting 10 shots on target and only 3 off. They looked very comfortable as a 24 pass move ends in one of the bet goals of this tournament from Cambiasso finishing from 12 yards out.
This was the beautiful game being played by one of the favourites to win this World Cup, as Maxi makes it 3-0 before half time.
I knew that Argentina would win but never with so much grace and style, we have a guy who just started work in our place and he is from Argentina, a good man who has a sense of humour and a genuine nice chap, I must remember to shake his hand on Monday.
Anyway the second half seen Kezman get a straight red and with that Serbia fell as the Chelsea striker Crespo made it 4 from a Messi cross.
Maradona celebrated as the final 6 minutes Argentina finished off Serbia with goals from Tevez and the 18 year old Messi.The Third game of the day played at 5pm was the decider for Holland who could make it through to the last 16 with Argentina, England, Germany and Ecuador. Ivory Coast needed a draw or a win to stay in this World Cup and looked strong until Van Persie superbly struck a free-kick into the back of the net after 23 minutes before Ruud Van Nistelrooy reminded Man Untited fans that he can still put them away.
Ivory Coast looked strong in the second half with Kone making a powerful run and scoring from 25 yards out. But it was not enough to keep the Dutch from winning their 14 match unbeaten run. The Dutch will now play against Argentina to decide who will go through.
England Victorious after their 2-0 win over T&T, Sweden score a late goal to increase their chances of getting through and Ecuador top group A
Posted by MartynI will start this in match order and that is the 2pm game between a strong looking Ecuador verses a timid looking Costa Rica……. Who am I kidding? England can you ever make your games less stressful to watch?
Crouch and Owen never looked strong up front and Lampard was trying to shoot the ball out of the ground but at least he was getting shots in and you know from past experience that he can hit those type of balls in. There were a lot of misplaced passes Crouch missed a sitter as Beckham played in a cross to his feet but with no one near him he chose to volley it with his shin sending the shot wide. Hats off to Terry for keeping a shot that beat Robinson out by clearing the ball off the touchline.
The first 13 minutes the English fans got their wish as Rooney came on for Owen and also Ericson brought on Lennon to play along side of Beckham. May I just say that Lennon played a very good game and better then most of us expected I would consider him to start in the next match!
But just when it looked like a 0-0 draw Crouch popped on the end of a Beckham cross to relive us all from what could have been an upset. After the England goal T&T looked wilted as Gerrard scored the 2nd goal with a brilliant left footed screamer from the edge of the area.
All in all a better performance by England who are now through to the next round and will play either the Germans or Ecuador who beat Costa 3-0 to guarantee them a place in the second round.The other match played was Sweden verses Paraguay who failed to hold them to a 0-0 draw when Ljungberg scored in the 88th minute. Now if Sweden want to get the top spot then they need to beat us. May I just add that yesterdays Sweden match consisted of 7 yellow cards, bringing yesterday’s tournaments to 18 yellows. My sources now tell me that in 20 games there have been 95 bookings, does anyone else think that maybe a bit excessive?
Spain demolish Ukraine, Late goals at Tunisia ends in a draw and the Germans should have had 8
Posted by MartynSorry that my blog is all about football but that’s all that is going on in my life at the moment. The World Cup is here and has taken over my life for a month.
I am lucky that we are able to watch the midday matches at work (In between work) as Spain dominated the whole game against the Ukraine. The Spanish are looking dangerous as the scored 2 goals within 17 minutes. There seems to be a load of yellow cards in this tournament, I know that the refs have been told to crack down on shirt pulling and I believe that players get a 5,000 Euro fine for each time they do it. Talking of cards Vashchuk got a straight red which was a tad harsh as I never thought that it earned a penalty. Given that there was some short pulling but Torres just seemed stay on his feet until he took the shot and fell over his own feet. Anyway a great penalty taken by Villa who is looking very impressive so far in this World Cup and after Torres scored in the 81st minute the game ended 4-0.
The second match I only caught the second half’s last two goals but the game sounded boring until the end from what people are telling me. I did see all the goals after the Germany match and I was impressed by a spectacular volley by Jazari.
How could you not be impressed by Germany’s dominance over Poland? It was funny in a way watching them take strike after strike of near misses, keeper saves and crossbars. I got told off by some of the locals because after 80 minutes I made the comment “I kinda feel sorry for Germany” I said it because they were unlucky not to score as they ruled over Poland.
Don’t get me wrong I would of loved Poland to win but they never looked strong at the front whatsoever and I would have been very surprised to see them score, whereas Germany always looked like scoring until the did so in the 91st minute with a great goal by Neuville.
This game has seen another Red Card and 6 yellows making it 12 Yellow and 2 Red of the day in three matches.
Roll on England against Trinidad & Tobago. I am not expecting a huge win like everyone else but I am hoping for a better match then against Paraguay. For those of you who do not know, Neville is out for 10 days after injuring his Calf in training. Looks like Carragher will take his place.
France draw, an average Brazil scrapes a win and South Korea comeback from 1-0 down
Posted by MartynOh dear France get a draw against a fighting Switzerland, in fact I felt that Switzerland had more chances and should have scored in the last few minutes. All France seemed to do was keep Henry up front and expect him to do all the work. In the afternoon a few of us popped up to my friend Matt’s house as his sisters son was celebrating his 2nd birthday. There was a BBQ but I had already eaten, we all sat down and watched the Brazil match expecting it to be one of the finest games of this tournament but to be honest I found it very average and at times Croatia looked dangerous.
I found out that tomorrow two members of my group are off so leaving work early will be a no no, so at 4.30 when I leave work a battle through the rush hour traffic to make it to the pub for 5pm should be interesting.
After failing to run yesterday I felt that I should get more into practise with the Half Marathon coming up in less then 100 days.
Was it a bad idea? My legs were already in pain from yesterday's football game/walk in the grass so it was a painful run but the morning fresh air and cool wind really did help. I think that in the future morning running is the way to go as it is no were near as hot as the evening but getting up at 6.30am is a problem.