Friday, December 22, 2006

Drinks with Cait (Vixen)

Posted by Martyn

I think I really need to pimp my Blog, I don’t know how many of you out there read my blog’s but if I get an increase of comments and acknowledgement I promise to try and post more.

Last night I got a sudden text from Cait asking if I fancied going out for a couple of drinks, we were meant to go earlier in the week but things got in the way. Plus I wanted to see her as I had her xmas card and a bag of malteasers I bought a few days ago because I knew she liked them, plus they were starting to get warm.

I really enjoyed spending some more time with Cait, we went to a pub that I had not been into in years and it was nice to sit and chat about games and stuff. Her sister joined us for 1 before heading out and when we had to leave after 11pm we went next door into the Flyer and continued chatting. I mentioned that I did not feel that Resi 2 was all that great a game and she looked at me like I had just spat in her drink lol I promise I will buy it for the cube and have another blast after Christmas =P

Nothing else is happening, I was meant to go shopping today but certain people let me down because they were asleep haha, out to Staple Hill with a couple of mates tonight for a change from our local but then again we will be in the local on xmas eve. Tomorrow I have my 2nd work xmas night out in Jongleurs comedy club.

Until then


Kate said...

Ssssssshorry for being a lazy ass!
Blame the fact that I ended up staying up until 4am.

Good time last night, many thanks, great gaming rants!

Martyn said...

We will have to do it again soon

Ryan said...

Sounds like a good time was had.
Merry xmas, keep up the blogs.