Thursday, August 17, 2006

1 Month left and new PB

Posted by Martyn

My word I’m knackered. Wasn’t going to run this morning as it was raining but as Louise had kindly made me a calendar for my running I decided that too go ahead. Cycled 3 miles into work as quick as I could to try and beat the rain (I hate the rain, means I have to wear those bright yellow jackets). Got into work at 8am turned my computer on and put my iPod away (unfortunately it was raining and the fact I run in a sleeveless top my iPod could get damaged or broken). This was the first time running without the aid of music. On the way up to my start point I passed Lee who told me that I was mad to run first thing in the morning and then I set off at a slow pace.
My legs were killing me and without my iPod to listen to I could hear things like my breathing and cars, this was a good thing as A. I could time my breathing better and B. there is one part on the lap that requires me to cross a road and the closer to 9am I was running the more cars would come around that blind bend.
I won’t lie, the first lap was hard (each lap of our work estate is 1.5 miles) and when I started the second it started raining heavy so I almost felt like giving up. The second lap was even harder, my legs didn’t want to run but as I was not out of breath I thought I’d push through the pain as my aim today was 4.5 miles.
During the third lap I though I’d fall over and faint as my legs now felt like lead but a strange thing happened, during the last half a mile all my pain cleared and I felt very good so my thoughts where to attempt a 4th lap which would make today’s total 6 miles. During this 4th lap an even stranger thing happened, I broke into a quicker jog/slow sprint and it felt great. As I passed the 3rd gatehouse I shouted to the security guard and asked him what time it was, he shouted back at me “your mad, 8.45” so I jokingly said “is that all, I can do another lap in that time” I never meant it of course but by the end of the 4th lap I felt so good I decided to attempt a 5th lap.
Ok so this lap wasn’t as easy and there were times I thought about stopping but never did. As I passed the gate (which is halfway around the lap) and pointed at my wrist and he shouted out 8.55am, not bad timing as I started at 8.05am. The last half was a nightmare, not because I was out of breath but my soul of my right foot was killing me, luckily I had to stop at the end of lap 5 as I started work at 9am and I couldn’t be too late.

So there you have it, not only an increase in 3 miles, but I feel great and ran 7.5 miles in 1 hour.

All good things.
In other news, I found out bad news about a friend who has just been diagnosed with Cancer which is very serious, so my thoughts go with her.
Also good luck to Louise who picks up her exam results today xx

Thanks for reading everyone, hope you are all doing well x

Next running day – Sunday 20th Target 4.5 Miles (New Target 7.5 Miles)