Monday, December 04, 2006

Xmas is coming

Posted by Martyn

Hey everyone

Not long until Christmas now, Still need to Shop & Wrap and send out Xmas cards but I don't have many to buy for and online is so quick and easy.
On The weekend I went out for my friend Cait's 25th Birthday, was a really good night with plenty of drink and dancing. Sunday I spent most of the day doing nothing before deciding to watch Anchorman.

Today has been a bit manic at work, I am currently on lunch looking at my work queue getting bigger and bigger for when I return. Not all bad though, I spent 30 minutes this morning helping the girls in the restaurant put up lights on the big Christmas Tree as they could not reach the top from the top of the ladder. They gave me a free sandwich which was nice of them plus I got away from my desk for a bit. I would of taken a picture but we are not aloud to take pictures in this building.


Kate said...

Happy Nearly Christmas!