Thursday, June 29, 2006

Football and the DS Lite

Posted by Martyn

Before the game, we get into the spirit

England score from Becks free kick

Morning blog readers (If there are any).

Above are pictures taken from the England v Ecuador match!

Not much has been going for the last few days. (See what happens when I don't talk about football everyday!) Wimbledon has now started and now the World Cup is taking a short break until the Quarter finals, what am I suppose to watch now? Big Brother? I think not.

I had such a bad hangover on Monday and felt rough all through the day, I know, I know, it was my own doing and don’t deserve any sympathy, lucky it wasn’t a busy day at the office.
In the evening I decided that after two weeks I better get back to the gym, something I have been neglecting since the start of the World Cup and it was very hard work, so much that I felt sick and had to stop. Since then I want again last night and I am pleased to inform you all that I am back on track. Phew.
Running has become a problem as I still have a groin injury picked up from football a couple of weeks ago, the Half Marathon are getting closer and I really do need to push on.

I have also invested in a DS lite, I really can’t say why I traded in my old one and paid £60 more for something I don’t often play and it basically does the same thing as the old one.
Having said that it does look better, I got the sexy black one which loves your finger prints.
The problems I have is the fact that it maybe too small for someone with big hands such as myself. Also it does not come with a thumb strap, but the screens are better and you can change the brightness of the screen for better vision or longer battery life. The sound is better and the buttons are softer but the main difference is size and weight. I will add a picture when I get home.


Kate said...

I know you haven't Blogged it yet but how horrible was the match on Saturday? I fealt sick to the core!

The DS lite is beautiful too, I traded my other one in for one, and I dont even play it that much, worth having though.

Anonymous said...

portugal !

Martyn said...

are cheats