As it's a quiet day I want to tell you a little bit more about me.
I was born and raised in Bristol, a Bristol City FC supporter all my life. It's only within the last 6 years that I have been buying season tickets and it is strange that my support goes to the red side of Bristol as most of my family support Rovers. Me and one of my closest friends try to travel to away matches when we have the time and the money. My other close friend who happens to also be my colleague at work supports the other team in Bristol, but it is great to have that friendly banter in the pub.
As well as supporting City I am also a member of Manchester United and have been a fan since the age of 12. Unlike most Man Utd fans I have been and watched them play at Old Trafford but only a couple of times. This season I have had the honour to be offered a season ticket but alas, it would be too costly to travel to Manchester every home match.
One of my favourite movies of all time is the Star Wars trilogy, I say trilogy because even though I like the third film I dislike the first two. Anyway times have changed and now I look to the Lord of the Rings to take the place of my favourite films, I loved the books and I was not disappointed once I watched the films.
Also I try to read now and again when it is possible but these days I just seem to be too busy. A lot of credit goes to my x fiancée who got me to read more often when we were together.
I remember being in Tenerife sat on the balcony reading with my legs over the side and the warm sun and sea breeze blowing slightly, it really was a peaceful feeling.My favourite celebrity women is Eliza Dushku (Pictured Left), you may know her from Buffy/Angel or Tru Calling. I do love TV programmes, 24 being my favourite at the moment.
My worst fear is flying. Recently me and friends (from the wedding below) went to a stag in Newcastle, but the quickest way to get there was to fly. Only 50 minutes in the air and I still hated it. It was not too bad on the way but I was drinking whisky neat.
It's not that I will not travel on planes because I will but just do not expect me to like it much.
One of my more geeky sides (It's the only one I promise) is my love for Final Fantasy computer games. I do love the whole story telling side to it and however little money I will always buy the next one.
As weeks go mine are normally constant and consist of the same thing ever week with little change. It's quite sad really but I am trying to save money so I can get on that property ladder. It's not easy when the price of houses is climbing faster then you can save.
My week goes as follows:
Mondays - Play football with my friends,
Tuesday - Esporta (Gym)
Wednesday - Football but as I have now entered into the Bristol Half marathon I go running instead.
Thursday - Esporta
Friday - Local pub
Saturday & Sunday - I tend to be either at the gym or running or at the pub if there is football on screen.
And that is pretty much my week. I hope to be travelling down south to do some surfing this summer; so next pay day it’s off to the shop to look for tents.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Review (GOTY 2009)
15 years ago
Awwww you sweetie, you beta had mention your cockney chav phone bud in one of your entrys or else hehehehe
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