Tuesday, June 26, 2007

London Vol.2

Posted by Martyn

A while ago I planned another trip up to London, I wanted to go back and visit Melanie and Mike again as I really feel that I should get to see them more and the fact that I really like spending time in London. So much that I have even bought an Oyster card so I can travel around cheaper every time I visit.

Melanie and Mike were very kind taking me out to eat all the time and refusing to let me pay for anything. There was not much sight seeing and I tended to stay local. I did however manage to visit the apple store to get an iPod shuffle for the gym and have a drink in the Cheers bar. Also as I was in London had now had time to spare I decided that I would take this opportunity to meet a couple of friends I have been chatting to for a while and I knew I could meet up with without any problems. Char was unfortunately busy on the Saturday and Sunday morning her credit ran out which is a shame because I think it would have been a good laugh as we have the same taste in comedy and music and when I say same taste I mean same taste. The other person I did go out for a few drinks with was Susie. I briefly got to meet her son and his friend who were dashing around the house like crazy with a bouncy ball. After that we headed to a local quiet pub for a couple of drinks, but not much for me as I was driving. It is nice to meet genuinely nice people and get to know someone face to face as well as online. Char, next time I am in London I’ll steal those tickets off Melanie so we can go see Damien Rice lol
I never thought of taken any pictures even though I had my phone/camera with me which was a bit silly but maybe next time I am in London I will be able to go and see more.

This time I drove into London which was easier but a nightmare trying to find my way around. I think it’s time to invest in one of those sat nav systems.