Sunday, February 25, 2007

Catch Up

Posted by Martyn

Hey everyone, sorry I have not made a blog but I really have not been up to much. I am sat here on a Sunday morning feeling like shit. My sister has been ill for the past week so it was only a matter of time before she passed it onto me. As I have no money for the next two weeks I couldn’t do anything anyway but I hate staying in all day watching shit TV. I always seem to get ill on the weekend and hardly on the week.
Anyway, I am still loving the car, it’s such a pleasure to drive and it’s so smooth and quick, not always a great thing because you look down and realise you are 10mph over the speed limit. This is where Cruise control comes in handy.

I have picked up two new albums this week, The Fray – How to Save a Life and the Kaiser Chiefs – Yours Truly, Angry Mob. Both I can recommend.

I have also watched a few films, including Ice Age 2 and Monster house. I am such a kid ;) also I watched the Notebook last night as a lot of people have told me it was very good.

Right I am going to go shave as it has been a week and I am starting to look like Grizzly Adams