Friday, January 26, 2007

The Weekend Cometh

Posted by Martyn

Last night I managed to finish the Inphyy levels on Ninety Nine Nights, I really could not put the game down, it’s the simplicity of games that I have been looking for. Not much strategy just load up and mash loads of enemies. The end of Inphyy’s missions was quite hard and the only downfall of this game is the fact you can not save in between missions which means when you get to the boss and die you have to replay the whole mission which could be up to an hour of game play. Now I have started a campaign with Inphyy’s brother Aspharr who seems more level headed then 17 year old Inphyy whose hunger comes from rage from the death of her father.
I have also bought Children of Mana for the DS and won Pokemon DS from eBay and have a bid on Final Fantasy 3.
As for the weekend approaching, tomorrow Bristol City play Middlesbrough at home then I am out in Staple Hill for my friend’s birthday. Sunday will be a quiet day and I hope that my back will be healed enough to let me go to the gym.