Jeremy is one of my best friends. I have known him most of my life since the young age of 3 and to finally see him get married is an absolute pleasure. I stayed with him and the best man the night before the wedding at his parent’s home which I have not stayed at since I w

The limo ride was nice and instead of champagne we had Cider in Champaign glasses! Only in Bristol would you see something like this :D
We got there and had to wait as you would for the bride, I think that every bride makes you wait that extra bit longer to build up the anticipation and Kristie did not fail to impress as she looked stunning. Oh and Jer scrubbed up well to but he only took 20 minutes :P

The night went well but I spent a lot of time catching up with old friends then dancing. I even sat with some of the lads in the bar and watched Match of the Day but we got told off after a while as it was only the girls on the dance floor.
A great day had by all, congratulations to Jer and Kirst.
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