Thursday, February 07, 2008

Big companies, Football and My Week so far!

Posted by Martyn

So far this week I have managed to contact Frenchay hospital and agree an Gastroenterology appointment at the end of this month after waiting nearly 6 months (NHS who else) when I called It sounded like I was forgotten about and it took a call from me to get things moving along….. Thanks NHS I enjoy being in pain and not drinking!
In other news my car flew through MOT but there is still a knocking on the driver’s wheel which I will need to get sorted out soon. I have also found an insurance company which is £100 cheaper but when I called Direct Line about it they wouldn’t reduce my insurance and were happy just to let me move on.
The same has happened with Vodafone, I remember when these companies would fight for your business and pretty much give you what ever you wanted just to keep your custom but these days it seems like they have enough business not to give a shit!
Which is why new customers will always get a better deal then long standing ones!

The Premier League is now looking to add 10 extra games to be played outside the UK saying that they are doing it for the many foreign fans that do not get a chance to see their favourite English teams play. Yeah ok! More like they are doing it for the money with the £625m TV rights alone. If they cared so much about the fans they should use some of that money to reduce Season tickets and gate costs.
If this gets the go ahead I feel it will separate the premier league from the lower leagues even more.
There is too much money in football these days and most of that is down to companies like Sky.
Taking games away from this country will no longer make this the English premier League!