Monday, April 23, 2007

Happy Birthday to me

Posted by Martyn

Happy Birthday to me woot! One step closer to 30………….Would be less then a year but next year is a leap year ;) I think! So yes 29 today! And I don’t feel a day over 24, thanks for all my comments and messages to people on myspace. Thanks to Carla for my Bob the Builder card! And badge which I am not going to pin into my England top! I finally got round to watching Blades of Glory (Thanks Lou x) very funny film for those who like silly comedy :)
I actually bought some cakes in at lunch time, all they had were chocolate éclairs and when I brought them back no one wanted any due to being on a diet, not liking cream and being not hungry, so after eating 6 of them I feel a bit sick!

I was meant to be going to a comedy club on the weekend but due to lack of tickets that idea got hit on the head. I might be going to Hed Kandi in Bristol on Saturday night instead.

Soo what did I do for my birthday? Well I went to work and as my colleague is off today I also had his work to do as well. I am about to go play football and will go for a pint or two after in the pub! Looks like rain too :P

Thanks again for your kind words all


Kate said...

I cant believe I didnt know it was your birthday!! I'm really sorry to have not wished you a good one at the time! I'll have to look out for you in Bristol at the weekend, where is that head cnadi place? ps- haven't been able to chat for ages due to having no computer :-( im just using my ps3 right now x

Dan said...

Happy belated birthday Rubix!!

Glad to hear you had a good one.:-)