What is it with old people and fast cars? I could never understand why they need them. Insurance companies must be pissing themselves when they ring up for a quote, I mean I just seen a old lady who could hardly see over the steering wheel driving the old Peugeot 205 GT Turbo, I mean this is a quick hot hatch and this women looked in her early 80’s. I was thinking if she put her foot to the floor she’s going to kill me! I really want to put a sticker in her rear window saying “over take with caution”At the bottom of my old friend’s road there was this sweet little old lady who used to have a Ford Escort Cosworth. When I was younger this was every young males dream car, it was sexy, fast and expensive. Yet this old lady had one………….and all she did was use it to travel down to the end of the road to walk her dogs in the park.
I know we all have to turn old sometimes but I really feel that old people should have to retake their tests again. All this police money being spent trying to catch down youths driving to quickly could be solved buy taking half the old pensioners off of the motorways. Most of the accidents involving boy racers in speedy cars are because they have just swerved out the way of an old guy changing lanes at 40mph without indication.
On Saturday I seen an old guy driving his Nissan off the motorway and onto the mud next to the motorway and instead of stopping he just carried on going chucking up all the mud onto the motorway. When I came back the motorway was shut because it was a danger to drive on.
Least I know I am not going over the speed limit while following *some of these older drivers, while I was on my way to the gym I was following one down this country road, I looked down at my speedometer and it said 40mph on the dot, 2 miles down the road I looked again and the speed has not changed, 40mph on the dot, not 1mph over or under. They must spend half their time looking at the meter making sure it does not move instead of looking at the road. Fair enough he was doing the speed limit but he was swerving all over the road. One reason why I never over took him!
Anyway that’s my rant over for now.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
*I say some because I can't really say all of them as I am sure that there are some old petrol heads out there.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Review (GOTY 2009)
15 years ago
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