So it’s Friday at last. Although having said that it has gone by very fast. It only seemed like yesterday I was on my way to play football and that was on Monday. Had numerous calls from my mate Mark asking about tonight, first it was a night up the local then it was up the cinema then back to the pub until he finally said fuck it lets have a night in because we are out Monday night to watch…………..you guessed it the football. It suits me because I am heading out tomorrow night into Bristol and spending tomorrow looking for a Car. I have already got a few cars in mind ranging from 2001-03. It’s not how much I want to spend it’s more about the mileage. Believe it or not but the oldest car has the least miles on it, plus full MOT and a warranty.
After downloading the song last week The Fray’s “How to save a life” is my favourite song at the moment, I had to keep playing it at work today which is a schoolboy error because you know that listening to songs all the time makes you become quickly board with them.
As for my quest through N3 I am now on the next character who happens to be one of the bad guys who believe it or not seems to be one of my favourites. Not great looking but has some fantastic moves. Dwingvatt is a 15-year-old goblin with human-like skin, often known as the "White Goblin", from Fort Wyandeek. His weapon is a pair of shortswords.
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