I have moved my Gaming Blog to here
My main blog will stay here. I must updated it more though!
I may complain about Microsoft but it’s not them it’s the xbox itself. I am shocked that after 5 years on the market they are still producing consoles that are having the same issue. Since my last post I contacted GAME’s warranty service as I took out an extended Warranty for an extra two years. However they wanted back everything that came with the console and I did not want to send back my HDD as it has all my saved data and card details. They were persistent about it so in the end I decided to contact Mircosoft with the issues I was having. One of my friends told me it sounded like I was having an E45 problem which is the same as a RROD. Anyway I sent my xbox off and within just over a week I had my xbox back not only that but a brand new one with an extra 8 months Warranty. So a big thumbs up for customer service there but should I have to be contacting them in the first place? Any guesses on how long my forth xbox will last?

Jeremy is one of my best friends. I have known him most of my life since the young age of 3 and to finally see him get married is an absolute pleasure. I stayed with him and the best man the night before the wedding at his parent’s home which I have not stayed at since I w

The limo ride was nice and instead of champagne we had Cider in Champaign glasses! Only in Bristol would you see something like this :D
We got there and had to wait as you would for the bride, I think that every bride makes you wait that extra bit longer to build up the anticipation and Kristie did not fail to impress as she looked stunning. Oh and Jer scrubbed up well to but he only took 20 minutes :P

The night went well but I spent a lot of time catching up with old friends then dancing. I even sat with some of the lads in the bar and watched Match of the Day but we got told off after a while as it was only the girls on the dance floor.
A great day had by all, congratulations to Jer and Kirst.
Welcome to 2009 and another year waiting to fly by!
On New Years Eve I was ill but I did head to the local for a few hours but paid for it the next day. New Years Day we had the family round as normal and we spent time catching up and playing board games which for the first year I was on the losing side for all the games, but I blame the illness!
Anyhow I was ill until Saturday and I never really got a chance to catch up with my Physio exercises which I had to explain yesterday to my Physio. She understood and gave me something else to do and we rebooked for a month’s time. I also have to by some Gem in souls for my shoes!
To treat myself for the New Year I bought myself a Laptop and a New Bed :)
Happy Holidays
I am currently all wrapped up and Ill which is crap really. I hope I am better tomorrow as its New Years Eve and I can’t be stuck in bed!
I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I woke up around 9am and went downstairs to greet my sister who had already opened her presents with Lee and had come round for breakfast. We ate our breakfast then opened our presents before heading around our aunties for Christmas dinner which was so nice.
We stayed around there for a while and opened some more presents, it was fun watching my Auntie and Dad open theirs from my nans as they always get childish things.
After all that we went home and I watched Lee Evans on DVD before falling asleep.
It was a nice Christmas but I would like to do something different like go abroad one year.
Hello, I don’t know if anyone is reading these anymore but I will keep on posting as it gives me a chance to let some stuff out and I find writing a blog helps with stress or I just like writing about my day’s no matter how boring.
First off the Holiday Inn has paid me back my money hooray! It took a while but the money is back off my card and I have now cancelled that bad boy and ordered a new card. Also as a apology they have given me a voucher for a free room in any of their hotels world wide and they upgraded my room when I stayed there last Thursday.
Second our Work Christmas party was cancelled so one of the guys arranged a trip to a local all you can eat Chinese restaurant. It was nice to catch up and chat to everyone out of work I just wish there was more too it. Luckily the company ended up paying the bill for food and drinks but it cost me £12 for a taxi back to the hotel!
Not that I mind after everything else was paid for and also I got a free bottle of champagne in our annual meeting and a tube of Smarties ;P
Today I made a trip to the Physio in Frenchey hospital Bristol. This was just a consultation for us and for them to try and identify the problem or problems in my case! First off I have a long term injury on my left knee. The pain was caused 2 years ago when running for the half marathon and ever since I have had issues with it. The second was a groin injury I picked up at football 4 months ago that has stopped me running and playing footy. I had two people to assess me a young guy from university and an older lady. I had to strip down to my boxers while they walked around me and prodded and poked me and put me in weird positions for about an hour +. It was very interesting the different things they looked at and checked pretty much everywhere as they thought the pain can be caused from somewhere else on the body and where the pain is, is my body overcompensating for that pain.
They checked my posture and how I bend and walk, also how I lye and genuinely move.
In the end they gave me 5 exercises to try out and I have to go back in 3 weeks in the New Year. I really hope they can sort me out as I said to them that my goal out of all this was to run the London Marathon.